something else

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Everything is Finally Coming Together

Life is good!

I've been working on a few projects for quite awhile now.  Most of the time I've wanted to pull my hair out, throw up my arms in disgust or walk away from it thinking I've had it! But I grew up with the outlook, never give up.  Failure is NOT an option. If I hadn't had that mindset I wouldn't be here today. There have been many a time it would have been so easy to say the hell with it, walk away and not looked back. NOPE, not me! I've always pushed onward in hopes it would get better.

With everything that has happened, hubster not obtaining enough work here in New York State, my daughter getting pregnant with twins only to lose one of them and the list goes on, it's kind of hard not to lose faith.  But then something wonderful happens and everything seems to come together and we must remember everything happens for a reason.

I'm almost finished with my manuscript, which has taken longer than I expected due to many changes in it.  Hubster is procuring more work here, which may mean the for rent sign may be going up on his "bachelor bungalow" in New Jersey and my second grandson will soon be in my arms come April. 

And while we never know what is in store for us on our journey through life, we embrace the positive, let go of the negative and laugh at the cockamamie. I've done a lot of laughing lately!

Yeah, Life is good. It really is.
And then there's those little things that make it even better, not to mention satisfying.