something else

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Facts of Life

As Meah and I sorted through the shelves of books to pick out her nightly read we came across "Where Did I Come From?" written by Peter Mayle and illustrated by Arthur Robins, published in 1973.

And although she's been fixated with the adult section of literary works such as "Divergent" by Veronica Roth, "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana De Rosnay or "Room" by Emma Donoghue, I prefer her to stick with her age appropriate books. As of late, she's insisted on keeping me company in the bathroom while I take my shower reading to me from one of my books. I think she's afraid I'm going to fall or something and she wants to make sure I'm safe, so she'll sit in there, book propped open on her lap and recites the words found on the pages.

As she pulled "Where Did I Come From" from its spot on the shelf to take a closer look, I chuckled.  It has been almost 27 years since I held this book in my hands, thumbing through the pages and reading from it to a then curious 2+ year old.

I still remember the innocent phrase spoken way back then which sparked the purchase of this book, "mommy, why is your tummy growing?" I was pregnant with my second child only after losing the one I carried days after my father died.

As Meah opened the cover and started reading " This book is all about you. We wrote it because we thought you'd like to know exactly where you came from, and how it all happened.", she paused a moment, looked up at me and responded "Apparently this book is for younger children." When she turned to the next page and viewed the picture, a "mommy" and "daddy" naked in a bathtub I couldn't hold back the giggle when I witnessed the shock displayed on her face. Without reading another word, she quickly closed it saying, "Oh, that's wrong. That's just plain wrong." Then saying, " Maybe we'll just give it back to Leah so she can read it to Cruz when she has another baby."