something else

Monday, February 25, 2013

It's A (our) Dog's Day

We celebrated Caesar's fourth birthday February 12th with homemade doggy biscuits Mouse made with a little help from her father, which he loved -- Caesar, not her father!

Caesar was born the night of the plane crash here in the center, not far from the site and i often wonder if that's the reason why it rials him so every time a plane flies overhead. 

Mouse insisted on making the chicken finger doggy biscuits, which made both of us cringe.
Chicken does not sit well with Caesar. It's not that he doesn't like it, on the contrary, it's just after he has chicken, well, let's just say the room clears quickly.
When Mouse was a toddler instead of saying fart or gas, her name for flatchulating was butt-burping and it has always stuck.

So, needless to say the following few days afterwards, we all donned gas masks!