something else

Monday, July 8, 2013

Short and sweet

This entry no doubt will be short seeing there is fewer hours in the day for me to sit down and write.  I suppose it's a good thing my other blogs all have draft posts sitting in the "waiting to be published" section that just need tweaking here and there for the most part.

I have been watching my grandson Cruz everyday since my daughter went back to work a couple weeks ago. I had forgotten how draining it is to be at the beck and call of an infant.  My daughter called me Friday morning telling me she wasn't going to drop him off because when she changed his diaper at his late night feeding and then again that morning she noticed a tinge of blood in it. We spent the day at the doctor's.  It wasn't until she was told he'd need a catheter and it might be something internal that it hit her hard.

He lays here next to me and I can't help but marvel at this blessing and although I may be a little partial, his comeliness is breathtaking.  I find myself at times watching him as he sleeps taking in all the wonders of this tiny human being.  This small, sweet innocent child who smiles at me every morning when I say "Good morning Bean" holds my heart in every beaming grin, grimacing frown and pouting lip.