something else

Friday, August 8, 2014

Cheap Is Not Always Better

I read a raving review, years back, about a cheap wine, Two Buck Chuck sold at Trader Joe's. I think if this article , (which has since been removed. Editor's note below) was included in the commentary, we'd tell that "wine connoisseur" to keep his expertise to himself. Of course, he's the same connoisseur who takes his dog's meds when he's sick to save on expenses.

A snippet of the post read: "These aren't hand-picked vineyards....they are all machine harvested.  And that means these large tractors with huge claws go down the rows of vineyards grabbing the grapes and depositing them in its huge receptacle.  And it not only grabs ripe grapes, but unripe and down right rotten ones as well and throws them all together.  Add to that leaves, stems and any rodents, birds or insects that may have made those vines their home - they all get thrown into the bin as well.  And guess what?  You think there's going to be any sorting when that truck arrives at the winery (or should  I say processing facility)?  Nope.  Everything, and I do mean everything (including all those unripe grapes, rotten grapes, leaves, stems, birds, rodents, and insects) gets tossed into the crusher and transferred to large tanks to ferment.  So think about all the animal blood and parts that may have made their way into your wine next time you crack open that bottle of Two Buck Chuck!  Hardly even seems worth the $2 does it?"

Is your stomach turning right about now?  

Editor's Note

This blog post contained un-sourced claims about Two Buck Chuck and its proprietor, Bronco Wines. It has been removed from the site in accordance with our blogger terms.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Little Something

I got an early anniversary gift from my husband which I found on my pillow when I crawled into bed - one side says YES, the other, NO. He's always thinking of how he can make my life a little easier!